Friday, March 5, 2010

Marier and Wuigi

Noah has busy little hands these days. Lately they are occupied with two small characters, Mario and Luigi, better known around our house as Marier and Wuigi. Gabe picked them up after his slight obsession, thanks to us, with Mario Bros on the Wii. He found them at McFarland's, they are pretty awesome, they keep Noah entertained for hours.

Noah's imagination is endless with fire power, ice and the infamous pinkapins(penguins) He has those two flying, dancing and butt stomping all over the place. He is quite the character himself, and I enjoy every minute of watching that little imagination run wild. Well at least until he runs and butt stomps my face with one of them, then it's time for Baba to have ice power and freeze them.

We've been through Buzz, Iron Man and now Mario and Luigi. Although he hasn't given up on the others, the Bro's seem to have his interest, for the time being. He still begs to wear his Buzz shirt and will show off his Buzz shoes to the ladies while busting out all of his Iron Man moves and watch what he calls the black, red and white Iron Man (depending on the scene) over and over again. With these little figurines that fit perfectly in his hands, he is content with just playing, and that makes me happy. With an imagination like his, the possibilities are endless, I hope he never loses it.

Woo hoo wa ha we heeee!

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