Saturday, March 6, 2010

Flower power

It may be protective football gear to you but to Noah he is Iron Man.
We went to Sport's Chalet where Noah was a Cowboy riding an imaginary horse through out the store. Then Gabe put this football gear on him, he instantly became Iron Man. I tell you the boy's imagination is awesome!

We were on a mission today, looking for stepping stones, for our back yard (which by the way are not easy to find). We went to Lowe's and the flowers there were just beautiful, I can't wait to start planting things. The colors were so vibrant yellow, pink and orange. The way they had them displayed looked like a sunset.

Then we found the gigantic boot and of course we couldn't pass up the photo opp. "There's a Noah in my boot"

Needless to say, today was a good day.

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