Sunday, July 17, 2011

A little visit from Noahbug ♥

Although Noah is only gone for two months, we felt a mid summers visit was in order. We sure miss him, seeing him for a couple days really helped. We had a rough start, but after the little snag, we were able to work through and enjoy the weekend with the family. Xona is a little resort style staycation we found a couple years ago, they always offer the best rates. Every time we go, I feel like we are the only ones there, it's nice when your with a large group. That evening we introduced Grimaldi's Pizzeria to everyone, I think they have the best pizza and salad by far in the Valley. Grimaldi's also has a great atmosphere and you can't beat the price; Plus on your birthday, if you sign up on their website, you get a free large pizza. After dinner we took a walk around the Scottsdale Quarters, a nice place to enjoy the evening and some shopping. It was so nice to spend the weekend together, we had such a great time, Noah is so blessed to have such an amazing family that loves him... to the moon and back ♥

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