Sunday, November 7, 2010

Arizona State Fair!

We took Noah to the State fair today, he had such a great time! It was so hot out today, I don't know when it will start to cool down. Standing in lines for hours so that Noah could ride all the rides he did, was totally worth it to see the expression on his face. We met up with Toni, Alan and Rayanna I tell you that little girl takes charge, I think it's just what Noah needs :) Chelsea joined us today, I love it when my sister comes along. We had fun trying all the fried fair foods and chocolate coverd bacon. Gabe bless his heart was a trooper, as soon as he got off work we went straight there and didn't leave until 6:00 pm! Well this relaxing weekend I was hoping for turned into quite the adventure. Hope you all had a great weekend as well, and please enjoy the pictures.

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