Sunday, January 1, 2012

Christmas 2011♥

This year Noah and I went up North to spend Christmas Eve day with the family. We came home that evening to allow Santa to stop by and wake up Christmas morning with Daddy, because he works so hard. Noah and I were able to attend the candle light service at the church before we left, it was what my heart needed. I love this/my family, and I appreciate all of their love in return.

It was my nieces first Christmas, I'm so in love with her. My sister has never looked more beautiful than she did at that moment, with her little family together, she was just glowing(You'll see it in the photos, she just radiates happiness, and that's made everything ok). This was my Grandmas first time meeting Rayne, of course she fell in love with her too. It was such a great Christmas for everyone, my mom even got engaged.

I really enjoy spending time with our family, it's always so much fun to watch the kids and all their excitement. This year has been such an amazing year, I'm really looking forward of whats to come.

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