Friday, April 23, 2010

Disgusted with SB1070

It amazes me how one law can destroy the hard work of civil right activist Dr. Martin Luther King and Cesar Chavez to name a couple.

"Our separate struggles are really one. A struggle for freedom, for dignity, and for humanity. ... You and your valiant fellow workers have demonstrated your commitment to righting grievous wrongs forced upon exploited people. We are together with you in spirit and determination that our dreams for a better tomorrow will be realized."
Martin Luther King, Jr., in a telegram to Cesar Chavez during his first fast (1968).

It's 2010, but today by signing that bill we will experience racial profiling and SB 1070 go hand in hand.

The news segment today really disturbed me. After hearing Jan Brewer give her statement:
I've decided to sign Senate Bill 1070 into law because, though many people disagree, I firmly believe it represents what’s best for Arizona. Border-related violence and crime due to illegal immigration are critically important issues to the people of our state, to my Administration and to me, as your Governor and as a citizen.

This same news station reports the following on going dilemma:

Thousands of suspected criminals are living uninterrupted lives here in Arizona, and there is little to nothing law enforcement can do about it.

With well over half of the total number of felony warrants, they can't do anything about arresting the suspects -- they have to let them go,"
said Sgt. Andy Hill of the Phoenix Police Department.

He said the squad has no choice, because many police departments across the nation are refusing to extradite suspects back to their state.

What can we do as citizens to change this? If she wants to protect Arizona lets get the real criminals out of our state and back where they need to be. Instead of wasting our tax dollars on a game of catch and release by hunting them down and letting them go.

We are supposed to be moving forward and leaving racism in the past that is not going to happen for us. The bill has disturbing underlining issues that even she hopes to make better over the next year. She jumped the gun on this Immigration bill, that could have waited for Washington to revise, all in hopes to keep Arizona safe. Well according to the laws on criminals, we will never be safe.

What a sad day in history for our state.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Coming along...

Well our blinds have been installed and they look great! For the last 5 months we were using the paper blinds, they served their purpose, but today they were taken down to make way for beautiful new blinds. The bedrooms upstairs are complete as well but here's a little sneak peek of our before and after. Everything is coming along and I couldn't be happier.



Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spring Has Sprung

As much as my phone drives me crazy, it does have it's moments. These photo credits courtesy of my Storm. The blossoms are so beautiful, this is my favorite part of spring. Now if I could just get my allergies under control :)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Sunday

The Easter bunny made a stop to Uncle Titas and brought lots of candy, clothes and a Mario Kart remote controlled car. I think Noah ate candy for breakfast lunch and dinner, well maybe some of Uncle Rachers yummy teriaki chicken too. I think he had more sugar today than he's had all year. The day started early with a visit to my moms house, and then it was off to the egg hunt!

It was such a beautiful day, we couldn't have asked for better weather. We really enjoyed watching the kids hunt for the eggs, I believe we hid 81, man that's a lot of eggs. This was the first year that we were able to bring Noah up for Easter, I'm glad we were able too, he had such a great time.

Even the big kids had some fun too!

We are so blessed to have such wonderful family to share our day with, I can't wait for next year.