Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Christmas Eve is always such a special time, filled with family, and theres lots of love to be shared.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

It's Our Anniversary!

I can't believe it's been a year since we were saying I do in Kauai... It seems longer, I can't remember my life with out my little family. I feel blessed everyday and love watching our relationship grow.

We recently went to Vegas to celebrate our wedding anniversary. We were able to have a different look into Vegas with a 6 year old to entertain, Noah had a great time. We hit up the kid friendly places like the Shark Reef, M&M World, Coke Factory, got a glimpse of the city lights and the adventure of elevators, escalators and monorails galore. Like I said, he had a great time.

When we went to the Coke Factory we tried 16 different flavors from around the world of coke products. Some of the flavors were quite tasty and one in particular, the Beverly from Italy, was down right disgusting! It looked like Sprite, teased your taste buds with a hint of black licorice flavor and then... it turned into a flavor best described as, rubbing alcohol.

Gabe worked on a video that brought me back to our wedding day, he did such a nice job, it brought me to tears. He included pictures of me getting ready and there are a couple where I'm in the bathroom, with the biggest smile on my face, standing there in tears. At that moment I had just turned around after putting my dress on seeing myself for the first time and the wave of excitement that I was going to marry my best friend came over me, I never felt more beautiful, those were tears of complete joy.

Our wedding day is so memorable and special to me, when I'm feeling down I'll take myself back to the moment where the wedding officiate told us to look out at the coast line, I swear it was the most beautiful moment of my life. My heart aches for Kauai, maybe one day we will be living there but until then I will settle for memories and future trips.

I just wanted to say thank you again to our family and friends who were able to come and witness our love. We are truly blessed with all of your love and support.

Jackson Luau

  Simply put, our wedding reception was incredible. We celebrated our union in the most intimate backyard setting, filled with family and friends. I can't tell you enough how incredibly blessed we are with all that helped make this day so very special. Our parents for ALL they did, opening their home, the amazing entertainment with the Hawaiian Luau dancers and every little detail they put into this event; it did not go unnoticed. They are the epitome of family and a family that I am proud to be apart of.

  I want to thank their/our friends and family for caring so much about them/us and all they did to help make our reception so amazing. (Ann, Betty, Carlos, the Russell family, Scott, Rose, Viv, Katie, Mom, Ron, Uncle Larry and of course, Ramon, Auntie Jackie and Uncle Ramond) From the donations of supplies, baking dozens of cookies and cakes, serving dinner to the guest and so much more, Thank you! To my incredible sister-in-laws; Chelly for taking the time to make me beautiful, Rachel for all your help with the reception, sharing your recipes with us and to Lisa, Lisa from the bottom of my heart, thank you for your love, support and help with everything through all of this. To my brother-in-laws Nick, Roy and Dylan, I thank you for your talents, the setting up/breaking down, sound system, hanging the tissue balls and playing the Uke. D-Man, the fried rice was amazing. To our nieces, thank you for your help in greeting our guest. Ramon, having you and the boys there, all I can say is we love you man (thank you so very much).

The out pour of help was an incredible thing, it just goes to show you how amazing these people are. Thank you for caring about us, loving us and for your friendships, it all means the world to us.

To our friends and family who came to celebrate with us, I hope that you had an amazing time at our Luau, the Jackson family sure knows how to celebrate!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Reunion 2013

Our trip home for the family reunion was such a beautiful day. A day filled with lots of laughs, a little rain and an amazing lighting show. It's always nice to get away and spend time with our family.
I'm a little disappointed in myself, I did not charge my battery on my camera and was only able to get in a few shots. However the shots that I did get are great, like the one of Ethan playing ping pong with a broken arm, or capturing the beauty of Ariana. However my favorite shots are of the family just siting around, catching up and enjoying each others company.
This is my 100th post to my blog and what more to contribute to it than pictures of family, love and fun a little something we know  a lot about. To each and everyone of my family and friends, as my Mother In-Law says, I love you to the moon and back.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

We Have a 1st Grader!

Well, Noah has started the First Grade. We are very excited for this year and all the new things he is going to learn. We've had a rocky start the first couple days of school but I think that is behind us now and Noah will be focused and ready in the classroom. We are looking forward to putting him back into sports and other activities, possibly even attending a cub scout meeting to see if this is something he could be interested in. Well, I'm sure this year will be filled with lots of hard work on both ends, I'll be sure to keep you posted of the happenings taking place through out the year.

Down By The River

I'm a little late to share this post but I just had to share the down by the river fun. We had such a great time up North for the Fourth of July weekend, started off right away visiting the family down by the river.  Gathered around we had fry bread, family time and lots of laughs. Lisa and Roy brought the Kayaks down and Noah loved to tag-a-long the back as they cruised down the river. Spent a little time at Grandma Gatos getting to know Hazel the rabbit. Met the family at Shake Rattle and Roll for a little bowling fun on our way out of town. I love this family and I love the fun we have together.