Saturday, June 4, 2016

Living in Positivity

I know I need to strive to be more positive. I find myself constantly fearing the worst, because when the worst doesn't happen, I feel secure. "No" is my go to, because it's safe. If I automatically say no, it's because I'm thinking of 500 other things that could go wrong. At what point in my life did I take this fear on? At what point did "No" become my safe word? I need to take a step back, and stop trying to control things that I have no control over, no matter how hard I try. I need to give people the benefit of the doubt, and maybe a chance to show me that the worst case scenario is just that, a scenario.

I want to enjoy my life, live in joy, and positivity. Today I take a stand to be more positive. To love my life, and to bring joy to my family- which will then bring joy to me. I chose to be happy, loving and positive.

What's your choice?

Sunday, November 8, 2015

A Clarkdale Halloween

We had been looking forward to a full on Halloween in Clarkdale all year long. I even took off early on Friday so we could get a head start. I decided to volunteer in Noah's classroom for his Halloween party, my intentions were to only stay for 30 min (because of course I waited until the last minute to throw my costume together)however, it ended with me staying the entire afternoon. He really goes to such a wonderful school. During the K-3rd grade Halloween parade, the principal lead the parade with his grand children and once he reached the end, he greeted each child with a high-five. We went back to the classroom, and the kids each had a station to rotate through. Noah had such a great time, and so did I. It's not often with my work schedule that I get to volunteer my time, so I made the most of it.

Saturday, October 31st, finally came and went in the blink of an eye. As we stood in shifts on the front porch of my sister in-laws it was hard to keep up with the flood of super hero's, princesses, ghost, and goblins that came through her front gate. The spirit of Halloween is so much fun there, the homes are in somewhat of a competition, and the kids come through in long lines waiting to get their little treats.

Our family had such a great time, it's going to be a long while before we can go back for another Clarkdale Halloween, but at least we have the memories.


Thursday, April 9, 2015

Stop and Smell The Roses 🌹

I find beauty in flowers, and I find time to be precious. I'm learning to stop and smell the roses, take time for my hearts desire and understand this is not my plan, it's Gods plan. I welcome his
plan with open arms, and I'm trying to let go of the control, and let God. In my own time, I will stop and smell the roses, both literally and figuratively. Come May, I will not be put to the test of my faith but I will see how strong I am.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

It's been awhile...

We have been so busy this year, I can't believe I haven't posted since January. Shame on me! Anyhoo.. Back in Easter, we went to Disneyland, it was just the three of us and we had a great time. Noah is at the best age to enjoy all of the rides, and remember such a fun trip. We caught a baseball game and hit up the beach, we can't wait to go back! I'm glad that he is able to have this experience, and enjoy himself, we're making memories here people! Just to see the joy on his face, is priceless.